Friday, 2 July 2010

Investment Tips -- Coming Soon - a preview

Hello Friends,

I can see slowly some interest building up about my articles. I now wish to share my plans about what I am going to write here in immediate future. As of now, I am rather undecided whether I should write weekly or fortnightly. But it will be atleast fortnightly, I suppose.

Firstly there are a lot of schemes of the Indian Postal Department which provide one of the safest possible investment avenues and a decent return.
Broadly the schemes include Saving Bank Account, Recurring Deposits, Time deposits, National Savings Certificates (NSCs), Kisan Vikas Patras (किसान विकास पत्र), Public Provident Fund, Monthly Income Scheme, Postal Insurance Scheme etc. This will also answer questions in your mind such as,
  1. Why do I need insurance?
  2. How much insurance do I need?
  3. Can I use the NSCs to make a recurring income plan for myself and how to do it?
  4. How to build wealth using PPF scheme?
  5. How to make PPF scheme a self-financing scheme and draw perrenial tax benefit from the same without investing?
  6. Why Postal Life Insurance and do I qualify to get covered?

While dealing with these issues I propose to cover schemes of LIC and private insurance companies. I will specifically recommend schemes for your needs.


I am not a certified financial planner. You need to consult a certified financial planner to revalidate my ideas.

Happy investing!!


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